Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sophisticated ignorance

There is an idea that punctuation reflects upon the quality of society and this is entirely true but many people believe a change in the rules of punctuation to reflect a "social decline" (Hitchings) because they believe that Earth will become a "dystopia" (Lee) where uneducated and illiterate individuals reign supreme however this is entirely untrue

What the change in punctuation and a possible further change in punctuation in the future reflects is the dynamic nature of society as technology has evolved and communication has evolved alongside with it since "Language evolves in conjunction with culture" (Lee) if punctuation were to remain stagnant then our society would become stale with it because the only thing that changes in punctuation would actually show is the evolution of mankind as a complex species looking to refresh himself from the outdated and mundane

Throughout history one thing that has remained constant is the need for mankind to express himself and since it is not enough for him to tell others his opinions he must share his emotions and feelings with the world by opening the windows to his soul in "A house fairer than prose" (Dickinson) being poetry with Dickinson showing how expressive one can be with words without the chains of punctuation and Elizabeth Austen displaying how much more creative and flowing writing can be without the constricts of punctuation with a "trail of possibilities" for each word that she may chose to place as without punctuation "tightening the leash" (Austen) on the creativity of mankind we can finally move forward as individuals and as a species

I hope you were able to understand my blog without the aid the following: commas, periods, semi-colons, apostrophes, dashes, exclamation points, question marks, and periods.

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