Sunday, December 21, 2014

Inner-city tantrums

Well, they seemed like a nice bunch of folks at first. I bet that man worked hard at.. whatever he did. Looked like he had an honest wife as well. As for that man's sister, well I don't know about her, but I suppose it doesn't really matter much when your just a housewife, or your job doesn't have a lot of talking to other folks. Mrs. Younger also seemed like a nice old lady. Shame she couldn't do anything about those kids of hers. It's a shame it had to end like that. Now I just don't understand why those people were "reacting this way". They were going to get money to pay off the house and then some. Just stubborn I suppose. What bothers me is just how they didn't want to sit down and talk about it. The worlds problems "exists because people just don't sit down and talk to each other"- which is exactly what I'm trying to do! Now people don't take kindly to when their way of life is threatened, neither do people when they are thrust into new environments. I don't know why those people were acting like I was attacking them, when I was just trying to help them on behalf of all the hard working people of Clybourne Park. It's just so hard being misunderstood all the time.

1 comment:

  1. That was pretty original--Doing Mr. Linder. You also did it well! Good job.
