Monday, October 20, 2014

the people highest up got the lowest self esteem

While it may be true that those at the top of the social ladder are insecure, it is true that those at the top of the social ladder tend to give those that are lower a hard time. It is true that those at the bottom of the social ladder must stay strong to withstand all the judgement they receive, and they do.

In The Scarlet Letter, Hester holds her head up, despite all the public shaming she undergoes, and her mark eventually comes to symbolize her charitability and willingness to help the sick. In The Lone Ranger and Tonto fistfight in Heaven, Alexie's Native-american heritage is constantly commented on during his youth. Despite the negative preformed ideas about Alexie that everyone has about Alexie in their head, and Alexie's awareness of those ideas, he is still able to become a prolific, and educated writer. In "Black men and Public Spaces"Staples is aware that he is being judged by his skin color. Although he is deeply saddened by his judgers' actions, he doesn't show it, knowing that a physical appeal won't do anything. Instead, he seeks to change the world through his writing and journalism. In "The Glass Castle" Walls and her family are a bunch of migratory vagrants. However, through familial bonds and pride, the Walls family is able to keep together through other kids' teasing, and the judgement of the entire town.

Literature has shown that we should stop focusing on the higher up and their cruelties, but the lower class, and their steadfastness and resolve.

1 comment:

  1. Nice mean girls gif. I really like this synthesis blog post and how you related all of the pieces we read to the fact that the underdog always remains physically steadfast.
