Sunday, October 5, 2014

What's a king without a crown

In Deborah' Tannen's "There is no unmarked woman" piece, one of the traits she discusses that marks women is their hair. She says that since women don't have a standard hairstyle, every hairstyle is seen as different, which removes a woman's "option of being unmarked". While I do agree that women's hairstyles mark them because there is no set standard, I feel like its unfair to say that men always have a choice to be unmarked.

When I look at all my friends hairstyles, none of them look the same. Bangs, curls, fringes, sideburns,  and even the locations of their parts mark them.

Tannen also treats being marked as if it is always a bad thing. I like to think my hair used to be pretty marked. Marked enough to have 4 of your teachers tell you you're unrecognizable after a haircut, and have 3 of your friends actively avoid you because they don't know who you are, until another friend tells them.

I just find it pretty mind blowing that I had some friends that didn't know what my face looked like, but could still recognize me perfectly, because of my "mark".

Everybody is marked in some way. Old people are marked by their age. Rich people are marked by their riches, fit people are marked by their fitness. Every mark tells a story, but it's up to those that are marked to decide what story the mark will tell.


  1. Woah. That was really deep. Also I really liked your prospective on the whole idea of being "marked". It's true that woman are more often marked, but at the same time is that necessarily a bad thing? Also, nice haircut. :^)

  2. I really liked how at the end you said everyone is marked in some way by age, wealth, physique, etc. and how you just ended it with a crazy deep statement. Although, I did feel that the crazy deep statement kind of came out of nowhere to end the post.

  3. Sorry I didn't recognize you bro... Nice post, I agree everyone is marked in some way, though women may have it worse.

  4. Lol at your background haha.
    I like your post, especially your summary. Being marked may not be a bad thing though.

  5. Lol. I also felt like there was a new kid in our English class when you got a haircut. I really like how you made a personal connection to the Scarlet Letter.
